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How to Create Temporary Email Addresses Using the Linux Terminal?

February 2, 2022, Written by 0 comment

This blog will guide you on how to create temporary email addresses using the Linux terminal. However, there are multiple third-party provider deals in fake email generators for a fee. You can find those easily on the internet.

Using an email address one can send emails to any person from anywhere in the world. 

Now that become a habit for decades…! You might receive multiple emails from brands that you never heard of in your entire life. 

And your email storage flooded with those ones! Eventually, you have an option to ‘unsubscribe but for how many times you would do though! 

This is the reason why email account holder prefers to create a temporary email address to deal with such type of monopolistic act. 

If you are a beginner or the person who decided don’t want to see any of those tangy nasty emails in your inbox, then you might need to create a disposable email. 

If you want to learn how to create those fake emails on Linux using Linux command, read this blog till the end. 

Benefits of Temporary Email Addresses

Did you ever wonder to know why exactly you need to create temporary email addresses

Because of spam emails that have been stored in your inbox for years. 

Nope! Then exactly why? 

See, there are two types of emails (based on their nature) – 

  1. Regular Emails 
  2. Temporary Emails 

You need temporary emails on fire because you can’t delete those emails that have been in your regular email accounts for years. Eventually, spam is a big issue but this is something for which disposable emails surge high demand especially. 

Additionally, temporary emails also known as disposable emails letters will be automatically deleted after an hour. This emails address gives you the option to get free from those unwanted emailers at ease.

Why Do People Use Temporary Email? 

Unlike developers, people also use temporary emails to get their inbox rid of and clear from spam emails. The biggest reason for this could be to avoid having their primary email address become a target for Spam.

Hence people use temporary emails to avoid spam and make their regular email places safe and clear.

Find out how you can do just that right from the Linux terminal. 

Steps To Create Disposable Email Addresses Using Linux Command

1. Install the tmpmail Command-Line Tool

First, you need to install the popular ‘tmpmail’ command-line tool on your Linux. It is a famous fake email generator tool used by Linux OS holders. Through this command, a person can create throwaway email addresses and receive emails on them. The extension of such email creation is ‘1secMAIL’

To install this tool on your Linux machine, enter the following command on your terminal window:

curl -L “” > tmpmail && chmod +x tmpmail

Next, you need to be sure that your installation is successful. To find out how to run the following command and check if the script is working:

./tmpmail –help

The  successful installation looks like this: 

2. Generating Email Addresses and Receiving Emails

To generate a random email address using your terminal, run this command:

./tmpmail –generate

This will generate a fake random email address with an extension ending 

For a custom email address with the 1secMAIL domain, you can run this command instead:

./tmpmail –generate


Now you’re all set to receive temporary emails on this fake email address. Use the below command:



This will show you all the emails received on this temporary email address with their ID, sender, and subject. In case you want to see a particular email address message, you use the command given below: 

./tmpmail <mail-id>

The result looks like this: 

Moreover, if you find yourself the trouble to find the most recent emails that you received, you can use the -r flag in this manner. 

./tmpmail -r

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That’s all you need to know about how to create temporary email addresses using the Linux terminal, if you have any problem understanding between the steps or commands, ask our expert for help. Or simply write in the comment section. 

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